Wednesday, April 30, 2008

My Favorite Memory With My Family

My favorite memory with my family is when I went to my family reunion in Sturgis, South Dakota. There was tons of people there. All of the family was on my dad's and grandpa's side of the family. There was tons of people that I didn't even know that existed. The family came from all around. Some of them were my cousins that I thought that were just people that were visiting the park.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Water Cycle Questions

1.What is the defenition of evaporation?
2.What three processes occur to form clouds?
3.Name three forms of precipitation.
4.Describe precipitation in your own words.
Precipitation is rain, snow,sleet, or hail.
5.Name five ways you can conserve water.
6.Is the water you used this morning the same water that dinosaurs used millions of years ago? Explain the reason for your answer.
I don't really know if it is or not. I'm guessing that it isn't because that water probably soaked into the ground millions of years ago.
7.What happens to a glass of water if it is left out over a long period of time? (Hint, this is one of the three processes of the water cycle.)
The water evaporates and goes into the air. Then it form clouds.
8.What is the origin of energy that drives the water cycle?
9. What is the process where a liquid changes from its liquid state to a gaseous state?
As a result of what three processes does water travel from the surface of the Earth, into the atmosphere, and return to the Earth again?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Water Cycle

I learned that the water cycle is when the water goes from the Earth's oceans, lakes, and rivers; then it evaporates into the air to form clouds. Then the water in the clouds comes down in any form of percipitation. Percipition is rain, snow, sleet, or hail. Then after the percipitation falls it goes back into the Earth's lakes, rivers, and oceans. This process happens throughout the Earth's changing seasons.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Funniest Thing That Has Ever Happened To Me

The funniest thing that has ever happened to me is when I went to my dad's house and I went to sit down and he pulled my chair out from under me. It hurt but we were laughing histerically. Another thing that was funny is when Erin and Karli were playing Ding Dong Ditch. They went and knocked on an old man's door and ran. Then out of no where Karli tripped. We were at the park. There is a line that connected two posts and she tripped over it. The next day Karli had a huge bruise on her legs the next day. It was really funny.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

What Makes Me Mad

Want to know what really makes me mad? When friends talk behind my back. Also it makes me mad when my mom gets mad at me then yells at me. It makes me mad when my mom has to talk to my dad because my step mom gets really mad then pretty much doesn't talk to my dad until the next morning. When my mom and dad argue it also makes me mad. If my mom and her boyfriend argue when I'm there it makes me really really mad cause they fight the whole time I'm there so I go out to my mom's car and listen to music.

Monday, April 14, 2008

My Favorite..........

My favorite color is lime green. I really don't know why it is though. My favorite colors used to b pink, purple, and blue. They were my favorite colors up until 4th grade. All of a sudden over the summer to 5th grade it changed. I thought that it was preety weird. Then for Christmas I got a whole bunch of beads that were purple. My aunt asked me if that was still my favorite color. I said no that it was lime green. She was like if I would have known that I would have got you the ones that were green. I didn't get you them though because I didn't think that you would like those ones. I said it was ok then we continued opening our presents.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Hey Guys!!!

Hows it going on your blogs. Mine is going preety good. I really like doing blogging! I think it is pretty fun. Do you guys? Well thats all I have to say for now. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!