Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Dream Vacation

My dream vacation is to go to Chile. I have looked at pictures of the beaches and they are beautiful. I don't know why but I think that it would be really awesome to go to Chile. I have looked up information about it, the city that you find the most information on is Santiago. It is kind of expensive though. It would cost about $14,000 for food and travel. If you count the money for souviniers and things like that it would cost about $14,700. I would take about 700 extra dollars just incase some of the things that I wanted were expensive.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Summer Plans

On Saturday morning, at about 6:00 in the morning, I go to my dad's house. We leave so early because we want to get there kind of early. He lives about 4 hours away. I will be there for a week to a week and a half. Then I go to my grandma's house for a week or a half of a week. June 6 I go back to my mom's house. The next day I go to a wedding for my mom's friends. Then on June 13 I leave and go to Arizona, California, and Oregon. We might not go to Arizona though because our family there might move to Oregon. They really like it there. Then I really don't know what I am doing for the rest of the summer. I will probably go swimming.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Current News Event

America's melting pot is on fire. Twelve million illegal immigrants currently live in the US, and nearly 900,000 more arrive each year. Yet the immigration reform that topped President Bush's second-term agenda has stalled as a skittish Congress attacks the proposal from left and right; meanwhile, a different kind of debate is heating up over skilled immigrants, and whether American firms need more to stay competitive.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Current News Article About Ashlee Simpson

During her pre-teen years, Ashlee Simpson had an eating disorder. She was also around a lot of girls that had eating disorders. She learned a lesson from having it. She learned to love her body the way it is. Ashlee thinks she has good curves and that they are womanly too. Simpson hates it when woman lose their curves. She think that it is amazing not to be a bone and it is sad when people get too weight-conscious and don't look into the mirror because they think that they are either too fat or too skinny. Ashlee loves it though when people look into the mirror and think that they are beautilful. She loves that because of what she went through when she had her eating disorder.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Something Interesting About My Family

Something interesting about my family is that I have family all over the country that I have met before. I have some cousins that live in New York. I have only met them once though. I thought that they were pretty cool. Also something that I think is pretty interesting about my family is that we are related to a guy named Danielle Boone. He was my grandpa's mother's sister's husband. Yeah, I think that that is pretty interesting. Somehow I am related to Ben Franklin also. I only know this because I looked at my family history book and there is a whole list of people that I am related to that I never would have thought of. Last year in fifth grade I did a report on Danielle Boone and that is when I found out that I was related to him. He was born on my dad's birthday only hundreds of years ago. That day is October 22. When found that out I told my dad and he was like who the heck is that. Then I told him and he was like that's cool I guess.

Monday, May 12, 2008

News Article About My Life

In my life for this year, August is the best month ever. I have been an only child since I was 12 years old. On August 5, 2008 my little brother is supposed to be born. I am really excited. One of the only bad things is that when he starts kindergarten I will be graduating high school. Then I will probably never see him after that, but I can go see him whenever I want when I graduate. Also when I can drive I can go down and see my dad, stepmother, brother, cousins, aunt, and uncle more often than I usually do. I think when I get to drive and see them more often I will be happier. I think that because I don't see them very often and I miss them a lot. My grandparents also will also be happy when I am able to drive because then they can fall asleep on me like I do to them now . Also they are getting kind of old so it is harder for them to see. Do you think that if you were an only child for 12 years that you would be excited to get a little brother or sister? Well, I definitely am. Just because i am the only person in my school that is an only child. When I told them I was not going to be a little sibling they were like really that is awesome, what is his name. I told them his name. Then they laughed because it is kind of a funny name. It kind of sounds like cinnamon. It is a pretty cool name though. If it was a girl I really didn't like the name because it was a type of poisonous plant. It is really weird. I had never even heard of it until they told me what it was going to be a girl. Yeah think that my brother's name is weird, but it is cool in its own unique way. For when he gets home from the hospital, my dad got my brother a really awesome tye-dye outfit. It is really tiny. They are trying to find a pair of red pants to go with. I think that when they leave the hospital they should put that on him. I really want to be there when he gets out of the hospital though because I want to see him right after he is born. When we get out of school I go to my dad's house for 2 weeks.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Current Sports News

The Lady cat Softball team defeated the Rockwall Lady Hawks this past weekend in a three game series to become Area Champions. The Lady cats lost the first game 2-3 in a 7 hour 24 inning thriller. The next day the Cats won the second game 6-1 with an offensive onslaught, capped off by a three run home run by Brittany Eiltel. Kayla Jackson got the win, after pitching 24 innings the night before. The third game came down to the last inning, with the Lady cats scoring four runs to become Area Champs. Danielle Jones got the hit that scored the winning run, after Audry Beard scored two with a hit. Regional Quarterfinals is the next round of playoffs slated for Thursday, and Friday at Lindale, at 7 pm., where the Cats play perennial powerhouse Forney . There will be a third game on Saturday, if needed. Come early, be loud, wear purple, stay late or listen on KQAT radio. 104.9

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Political News Article

So far in the Republican votes John McCain is winning in votes. There was one vote in North Carolina that voted that had an anti-McCain campaign. He got 74% to not get nominated. Huckabee had 10% to not get nominated, Paul got 8% to not get nominated, and Alan Keyes got 3% to not get nominated.
In North Carolina, Barack Obama, had a great victory in his votes. Then in Indiana he had a nail-biting loss in votes. That was his roughest patch in his campaign. Most of the superdelegates are pledging their alegence to Obama and not to Clinton. One of the only ways that Clinton can make it is if people don't vote for Obama and if she makes enough money with her speeches that she makes.